We often learn more from our peers than from anyone else. And moving from individual learning to learning together regularly leads to better results.
Our campus is the place to grow through mutual sharing of knowledge, ideas and experience. It's about professionals supporting each other by sharing what they know, learned and experienced. We believe that everyone is an expert in their own way. At Service Design College Campus, you have control over what to learn, what to teach, how to guide, how to be guided, and by whom!
Being part of a large group of professionals, you have the possibility to have interchangeable roles - mentor and mentee, teacher and learner, teller or listener - depending on your needs, motives and goals. We encourage you to discuss your challenges with others and share your insights amongst your peers.
You can work together in a course or workshop, have a debate or a light conversation at the Campfire, have a one-on-one mentor chat, as well as live discussions and personal reflections.
We are looking for a continuous debate on the role of design, designers and design thinkers. Both physical and online. The Service Design Days conference for instance, is an example of a physical gathering. Our campus is a lively, collaborative online place for serendipity, based on trust and openness. A virtual meeting space to take part in a wide array of social, learning activities. The place to find talented, sharp, conceptual, humble, open-minded, and people-driven professionals.
You don’t need to be an outgoing, extrovert person to take part. But you do need a drive to inspire and guide, motivate and transform, and share your expertise in design or other related fields.
Don’t keep your experience to yourself and your team. Share it with others and help them progress toward their goals.
Widen your horizons, explore new things and get ready to face future challenges with an open mind, new energy and the ongoing support from your peers. Whether you are a designer working in service, experience, social or business design or design research or a professional working outside the design sphere, we invite you to become a member of the SDC Campus. Currently, the campus gathers over 4000 members and grows steadily week-by-week.
Meet some of them below, and register today. It’s free! During registration, you will be asked to briefly explain why you want to become a member.
Professor of Design and Social Innovation
Northumbria University
United Kingdom
Speaker - Workshop leader
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